Thursday, February 28, 2013


Evenimentul OpenConnect se tine Joia la Starbacks Mall Vitan, incepand cu 9:30am. 

Nu costa nimic. Daca aveti putin timp puteti arunca o privire pe site-ul oficial ( Ca sa va faceti o idee despre dinamica lucrurilor aruncati o privire pe facebook ( Tineti cont ca suntem la editia nr 23, adica eveniment pornit cu circa 5 luni in urma. De la (aproape) nimic, adica doar intalniri cu cateva persoane, s-a ajuns la:
- 20 cafele gratis pentru participanti
- 50-60 participanti la fiecare editie, intr-un loc cu tot atatea scaune (numarul participantilor e in crestere)
- transmisie partiala live pe internet (de la 50-100 vizionari live, acum sunt peste 3000) - si mult mai multe dupa eveniment....
- interactivitate si imbunatatiri permanente
- o atmosfera speciala si un mediu foarte sanatos: amuzant, interesant, in trend, cu idei, concepte, interactivitate cu persoane necunoscute din diverse domenii

Felicitari Dragos Roua!

Pentru mine este a 4a editie la care paticip si incep sa devin dependent... Tot aici la OpenConnect, astazi 28-feb-2013, lansez  public acest blog care se doreste a fi o noua oaza de informatie de calitate, cu opinii proprii despre diverse subiecte care ma pasioneaza (dezvoltare personala, informatii financiare, oportunitati pentru incepatori sau pur si simplu intamplari din viata mea), dar si informatii tehnice din domeniul meu de activitate (IT hardware & software, tutoriale, informatii tehnice).

Daca va place, tineti aproape!

Edit 2014:

Monday, February 18, 2013

Remote access to linux via SSH using Putty (and draw lines correctly)

Update 2014: Actually, it's pretty simple to solve all these things, when using Ubuntu 12.04 (US English) and Putty 0.63. I didn't check other distros. Configure Putty like this:
- Terminal >> Keyboard >> The Function keys and keypad = Linux
- Window >> Translation >> Remote Character set = UTF-8
All works great!

When logged in from a Putty terminal, some programs render correctly the bars made of characters using in putty UTF-8, while others render them correctly using ISO-8859-1:1998 (Latin-1, West Europe) in Putty settings. I haven't found a nice way to deal with this problem, and I'm gonna keep a log of programs' preferred way.

UTF-8: hddtemp, links, links2, lm-sensors, mc, moc, smartmontools,
ISO-8859: alsamixer, elinks, iptraf, mp3blaster, sysv-rc-conf, wavemon

Keep in mind that this is related to the way server's locale is configured. My server locale shows the following output:
server:~# locale

What to do: configure ssh client in other systems (Putty) to use UTF-8 and match server's locale to get nice display of man pages and character bars of some programs. The optimum settings I have found so far are the following:
- Window >> Translation >> Remote Character Set >> UTF-8
- Connection >> Data >> Terminal-type string >> linux

Other Putty settings I choose to alterate from default:
- Lines of scrollback = 900
- Window title (i.e. "[]", without quotes)
- Auto-login username (i.e. "root", without quotes)
- Enable compression
- Permit only protocol version 2

Last update: 2013.03.18

Sunday, February 17, 2013

SSH login with Putty, without password

Install ssh-server if it's not already installed. In Debian/Ubuntu, this is what we have to do:
# apt-get install ssh openssh-server

I am using authentication between two hosts without the need of a password in 4 easy steps:
    1. Generate the keys using a DSA authentication identity:
    # ssh-keygen -t dsa
    2. Make a new "authorized_keys" file (if not already there) an paste the key generated by puttygen (see login via Putty without a password):
    # vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    3. Assign rw permissions only for the owner
    # chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    4. Configure Putty to know where the saved private key file (see login via Putty without a password)

If you'd like to secure SSH, more setup is neccessary. Hints: fail2ban (blacklist IPs using iptables), denyhosts (blacklist IPs using /etc/hosts.deny file).

When in trouble configuring Putty to access remote machines, you may find useful this post:

Debian Linux Install OpenSSH SSHD Server
SSH Debian Wiki

Last update: 2013.03.17