Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Create a Windows 7 System Repair Disk ISO under Virtualbox

1. Install Oracle Virtualbox, having host: Windows | linux | Mac OS X
2. Install Windows 7 OS in your virtual machine (32-bit or 64-bit, as needed).
3. Install IMGburn as a burning utility.
4. Install TotalMounter and Follow pfurrie's detailed suggestions: open the program >> use "Mount" menu >> choose "Virtual CD/DVD-RW".
5. Open "Backup and Restore" and create a System Repair Disc ISO.

After all is done, use your 32-bit/64-bit ISO to do what need or burn it to a CD and use it to repair Windows 7 install . :)

32-bit System Repair Disc can only be created on a 32-bit Windows 7.
64-bit System Repair Disc can only be created on a 64-bit Windows 7.

32-bit System Repair Disc can only be used to repair a 32-bit Windows 7.
64-bit System Repair Disc can only be used to repair a 64-bit Windows 7.

uTorrent - Move torrents from one PC to another (or from one profile to a new profile)

1. Stop all torrents in the torrent list in µTorrent.

2. Exit µTorrent

3. Move the torrent folder
... to the new location (in your new PC or profile), similar path

4. Move the start shortcut
... to the new location (in your new PC or profile), similar path

5. Done

Inspired by, and adapted from, this post:

Note: You may want to know how to disable Ads in uTorrent.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Disable Ads in uTorrent

Quick note about µTorrent, if you use it and hate ads. It works for me in version 3.4.1.

To turn off ads and offers, open Options > Preferences > Advanced. Here you'll find a large list of flags for the app and a filter box. Search for and disable the following flags:
  • offers.left_rail_offer_enabled / left_rail_offer 
  • gui.show_plus_upsell
  • offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled / sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled
  • bt.enable_pulse
  • gui.show_notorrents_node
  • offers.content_offer_autoexec

Note1: These flags may be named slightly differently depending on which version of the app you're using. Be careful when editing things if you're not entirely sure what they do.

Note2: If the top bar ad still doesn't go away, just restart the application.

Note3: You may prefer to use an older version and no ads out-of-the-box. Version 2.0.4 and 2.2.1 are safe to try. These can be found either on oldversion.com or filehippo.com.

Note4: Add search providers


uTorrent v2.x/3.x - Best Practice Tips

Note: you may want to know how to quickly move torrents from one PC/profile to another.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Eurovision 2014 - curios, socant, interesant

Inspirat de postarea lui Cabral m-am decis sa scriu cateva cuvinte despre Eurovision 2014. Nu postul in sine si opiniile exprimate de Cabral sunt la baza motivului (fiecare cu parerea lui, normal), ci doar faptul ca am vazut postarea lui despre Eurovision 2014 chiar pe Google Plus la mine.

Curios de fel, si un pic socat de castigator (sau, ma rog, castigatoare - cum se considera Conchita Wurst), am dat de un interviu care, recunosc, m-a captivat un pic: am incercat sa inteleg. Am considerat tot timpul pana acum tot curentul asta gay si trans ceva anormal. E sau nu e... poate ca putin conteaza. Mi-a atras atentia urmatoarele cuvinte din interviu:

"Q: What would be your great achievment from Eurovition that you would want to personally get from the contest?

A: (...) from my inner believes it would be just great if people stop to think different than is used to, because there is so much going on throughout Europe these days - it's just awful all the news which are getting in day by day, and I think that it has to be a change... (...) everybody is allowed to do whatever they want it to do (in case nobody gets hurt), so... this would be the situation I want to create that people stop to talk and start to think, they don't have to love it, they just have to accept it - and that's all it's all about.

1. Concita este o persoana care gandeste, vorbeste articulat si coerent. Respect.

2. Este absolut decent sa ceri oamenilor din jurul tau sa gandeasca in loc sa vorbeasca din impuls, asa cum au fost invatati de o societate invechita. Societatea s-a schimbat, a evoluat, intr-un sens in care nici eu, nici tu (probabil) nu stii in mod absolut ca "e bine asa".

Suntem doar privitori neputinciosi a lucrurilor din jurul nostru care se schimba, unele in bine, altele in rau. Suntem fiinte adaptabile intr-un mod extrordinar. Vom supravietui.

Despre Austria la Eurovision 2014: e draguta piesa. Se pare ca e suficient sa stai acolo pe scena, si sa canti, ca sa castigi competitia.

Despre Romania la Eurovision 2014: mi-a placut - foarte energica, foarte frumoasa. Bravo Romania. As zice un nemeritat loc 12 (na, sunt subiectiv!).

Despre Eurovision: in sfarsit am inteles ce inseamna aceasta competitie, in care rezultatul este de ani buni extrem de controversat. Eurovision este ocazia ideala de a prezenta situatii socante, diferite, creative intr-un anume sens iesit din formal. Este poate acel concurs care reuseste, an de an, sa supravietuiasca prin aparitii socante. Este acel spectacol care prezinta tuturor pasionatilor de muzica sau spectacol (includem aici copii si batrani), situatii noi. Invatam sa acceptam.

Recap Eurovision

Daca aveti ceva de spus, mi-ar placea sa cunosc opiniile voastre in comentarii.
